Why choose XEPOS for Outdoor Stores?
Having different types and size of the same products makes it hard for outdoor shop owners to store the products’ information and keep track of their inventory level. But nowadays thanks to XEPOS’ smart epos system, such tasks have never been easier. Creating categories, subcategories and adding attributes to enter products on the system effortlessly is among tons of advantages that XEPOS offers to its customers to keep the owners at their highest level of energy by saving their time. Saving customers’ information, using loyalty programs to reward your loyal customers and staff management sections are working like a clock to improve the quality of your business. You get to see different reports regarding different aspects of your business to plan your strategy accordingly and boost your business.
Try XEPOS Risk FreeContact SalesTop Features

Fast and Outdoorsy Payment Process
Smart epos system works hand in hand with our free integrated card terminals and high-quality receipt printers to create an overall smooth and quick payment process and save a lot of time and effort.
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Keep the Business Running with Offline Mode
High-speed connection or no connection at all! Use the system all the time and never miss an opportunity to sell.
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Check Your Stock Level on the Run
Real-time stock level and monitoring your inventory even when you are not near your epos system can help you take care of your business without having to be physically present in your outdoor store!
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Find the Best-Selling Products
Keep up with the latest trends and find the best-sellers to keep the trend-seeking sports lovers happy and introduce them to the new-comers and ring up the sales!
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Never Miss Up-Sell Opportunities
Tag products and offer related items at the checkout counter to the customers and tell them why they need that extra item with the one they are already buying.
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Motivate Your Customers to Come Back
Loyalty programs with points and stamps can attract one-timers and encourage them to visit one more time to use that loyalty points and earn the prize!
Tell me moreEPOS System for Outdoor / Camping Stores from just £99.00

EPOS Software Package for Outdoor / Camping Stores from just £15

Try XEPOS Risk Free!!
We have spent the last 6 years working with other businesses in your sector. We understand every painpoint,
that’s why we have created the perfect epos system specificaly for your business, with every feature you will ever need.